A Canadian Mission Ambition Revolution

What is LORIS?

The Low Orbit Reconnaissance Imagery Satellite (LORIS) is a 2U CubeSat developed as part of the Canadian Space Agency’s Canadian CubeSat Project (CCP). Measuring a little more than two Rubik’s Cubes, LORIS is the 1st satellite designed, built, and tested in Atlantic Canada and has been approved for launch to the International Space Station (ISS) in August 2022, after which it will be ejected into orbit from the ISS. Once in orbit, the imaging payload carried by LORIS will be used to study the oceans surrounding Nova Scotia.

LORIS Specifications



Perigee Altitude

Apogee Altitude

Orbital Inclination

Orbital Speed

Orbital Period

Orbits Per Day

Orbit Epoch

23 kg

10 x 10 x 20 cm

418 km (259.7 mi)

422 km (262.2 mi)

51.63 deg

7.66 km/s

92 minutes



Mission Impossible

A first mission for DSS, the development of a fully functional satellite seemed a monumental task. Equipped with no prior knowledge of satellite systems, our team of determined students learned by experimenting, failing, and trying again. The result of our team’s perseverance, self-learning, and innovation is manifest not only in the physical construction of LORIS, but also in the foundation of knowledge, skills, and expertise that will serve as critical resources for all future projects in Atlantic Canada and beyond.

Being the first satellite designed and built in Atlantic Canada, LORIS has paved the way for a new and energized future of space in Atlantic Canada. The reward that is LORIS serves as yet another testament to what is achievable if only we reach for the stars.

Learn More About LORIS

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